Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is currently used in both research and clinical settings for the diagnosis of abnormal cells and the distribution and localization of certain proteins of interest in the cell. We offer IHC staining services using a wide range of validated antibodies- over 130 antibodies for a variety of pathological markers. Through Immunohistochemistry (IHC) studies, scientists can pinpoint the localization of specific proteins within cells, offering invaluable data for disease research and drug development.

IHC Panels
Listed below are commonly used and available IHC panels:
BREAST (Beta-Catenin, Calponin, Cytokeratin 14, Cytokeratin AE1/AE3, E-Cadherin, EMA, Estrogen Receptor, GATA3, GCDFP-15, HER-2 neu, Ki-67, Mammaglobin, Myosin Smooth Muscle Heavy Chain, p120, p53, p63, Progesterone Receptor, SMA)
CARCINOMA OF UNKNOWN PRIMARY SITE (CD10, CDX2, CK19, CK5/6, Cytokeratin 20, Cytokeratin 7, GATA3, GCDFP-15, HepPar1, Napsin , PAX8, PSA, Thyroglobulin, TTF-1, WT1)
CERVICAL CANCER (CEA, Cytokeratin 7, p16, p40, p63)
COLON & GI (Beta-Catenin, CA19-9, CD117, CD45, CDX2, CEA, Cytokeratin 19, Cytokeratin 20, Cytokeratin 8, DOG-1, H. Pylori, MLH-1, MSH2, MSH6, MUC2, PMS2)
ENDOMETRIAL CANCER (BCL-2, CK7, ER, Inhibin, Napsin A, p53)
GERM CELL TUMOR (Alpha-Fetoprotein,Beta-HCG,CD117,CD3,Glypican-3,Oct ¾,p57, PLAP, SALL4)
HEAD & NECK (Cytokeratin AE1/AE3 , EMA, p16, p63,p40, Thyroglobulin, GATA3, GCDFP-15, BerEP4,Cytokeratin 5/6)
T-CELL LYMPHOMA (ALK, CD2, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD56, CD7, CD8,Granzyme B)
B-CELL LYMPHOMA (Annexin A1, BCL-2, BCL-6, CD10, CD138, CD19, CD20, CD21, CD23, CD5, CD79a, Cyclin D1, Kappa, Ki67, Lambda, MUM-1, PAX5, ZAP-70)
KIDNEY & UROTHELIAL (Carbonic Anhydrase 9 , CD117, CK20, CK7, GATA3, p40, p63, PAX8, WT-1)
LEUKEMIA / HISTOCYTIC (Annexin-A1 , CD103, CD11c, CD13, CD163, CD19, CD1a, CD25, CD33, CD34, CD5, CD68, CD7, CD8, Factor XIIIa, IgG, IgM, Lysozyme, Myeloperoxidase, TdT, TRAP, ZAP-70)
LIVER (Alpha-Fetoprotein, CEA, Glypican-3, HepPar-1)
LUNG (ALK, Cytokeratin 7, Cytokeratin AE1/AE3, Napsin A , TTF-1)
MELANOMA (Cytokeratin 14, Cytokeratin AE1/AE3, Melan-A, MLH1, S-100, Tyrosinase)
MESOTHELIOMA (Calretinin, Cytokeratin 5, Mesothelin, WT-1)
NEURAL & NEUROENDOCRINE (ATRX, Calcitonin, CD56, Chromogranin A, GFAP, GH , IDH-1, Neurofilament , NSE, Synaptophysin, TSH)
OVARIAN CANCER (Beta hCG, CA-125, CK7, Napsin A, p53, WT-1) PROSTATE (AMACR, Cytokeratin 34BetaE12, p40, p63, PSA, PSAP)
SARCOMA (CD163, CD31, CD34, CD99, Desmin, ERG, Fli-1, HHV-8, INI-1, Myogenin , Myoglobin, SMA, STAT6, TLE1, Vimentin,)
THYROID & PARATHYROID (Calcitonin, Cytokeratin 19, Galectin-3, Thyroglobulin, Thyroid, Peroxidase)
UNDIFFERENTIATED TUMOR (CD45, Cytokeratin, PLAP, S-100, SALL4, Synaptophysin, Vimentin)
ROUND BLUE CELL TUMOR (CD99, CK, Desmin, Fli-1, LCA, Myogenin, NSE , S100, Vimentin, WT1)
SPINDLE CELL TUMOR (Beta-catenin, CD117, CD34, CK, Desmin, DOG1, Myogenin, S100, SMA, TLE1, Vimentin)
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) studies are essential for understanding protein expression in tissue samples, providing critical insights for both research and clinical diagnostics. Advancements in Immunohistochemistry (IHC) studies have revolutionized the way researchers and clinicians analyze cancerous tissues, leading to more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatments.