Affordable & Accurate Lab Test Rates
We understand the importance of accessible healthcare, which is why we provide affordable rates for lab test Services to cater to all patients. Please enter the test name of the disease to find its details.
S. No | Code | Test Name | New MDRL Rate | Welfare Rate | Zakat Rate |
1 | 4114 | 17-Hydroxy Progesterone | 4,800 | 3360 | 2400 |
2 | 5050 | 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D3 | 3,950 | 2765 | 1975 |
3 | 5046 | 5 HIAA(5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid) | 5,500 | 3850 | 2750 |
4 | 1511 | A/G Ratio (Albumin / Globulin Ratio) | 1,050 | 735 | 525 |
5 | 5572 | Abdominal Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
6 | 5570 | Abdominal Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
7 | 5567 | Abdominal Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
8 | 5571 | Abdominal Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
9 | 5574 | Abdominal Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
10 | 5573 | Abdominal Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
11 | 5568 | Abdominal Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
12 | 6316 | Abscess for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
13 | 1354 | Absolute Eosinophil Count | 500 | 350 | 250 |
14 | 1358 | Absolute Lymphocyte Count | 500 | 350 | 250 |
15 | 1359 | Absolute Monocyte Count | 500 | 350 | 250 |
16 | 1357 | Absolute Neutrophil Count | 500 | 350 | 250 |
17 | 4123 | ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) | 4,800 | 3360 | 2400 |
18 | 4119 | ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
19 | 6999 | Adenosine Deaminase ( ADA) Fluid | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
20 | 4300 | AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein) | 3,350 | 2345 | 1675 |
21 | 1508 | Albumin | 750 | 525 | 375 |
22 | 2262 | Albumin (CSF) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
23 | 4861 | Albumin (Spot Urine) | 1,400 | 980 | 700 |
24 | 4813 | Albumin/Creatinine Ratio ( Spot Urine ) | 1,650 | 1155 | 825 |
25 | 2706 | Aldolase | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
26 | 4171 | Aldosterone | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
27 | 1505 | Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) | 750 | 525 | 375 |
28 | 5014 | Allergy Test - Environmental Allergens Panel | 9,500 | 6650 | 4750 |
29 | 5013 | Allergy Test - Food Allergens Panel | 9,500 | 6650 | 4750 |
30 | 4810 | Alpha-1 Antitrypsin | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
31 | 1503 | ALT / SGPT (Alanine Aminotransferase) | 700 | 490 | 350 |
32 | 1620 | Amenorrhoea Panel (LH, FSH, Estradiol) | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
33 | 1710 | Ammonia | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
34 | 1127 | Amphetamines/ Methamphetamine | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
35 | 2718 | Amylase ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 1,750 | 1225 | 875 |
36 | 2707 | Amylase (Fluid) | 2,150 | 1505 | 1075 |
37 | 2700 | Amylase (Serum) | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
38 | 1103 | Amylase (Spot Urine) | 1,750 | 1225 | 875 |
39 | 4446 | Anaemia Panel (CBC, Retic Count, Vitamin B12, Folic Acid) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
40 | 2721 | Anion Gap | 1,600 | 1120 | 800 |
41 | 4639 | Antenatal Panel (CBC, Blood Group, HBsAg, Anti-HCV, RPR, Glucose(R), Urine Routine) | 9,000 | 6300 | 4500 |
42 | 4151 | Anti Cardiolipin IgG | 5,200 | 3640 | 2600 |
43 | 4153 | Anti Cardiolipin IgM | 5,200 | 3640 | 2600 |
44 | 4178 | Anti CCP | 4,200 | 2940 | 2100 |
45 | 4812 | Anti dsDNA Antibody by ELISA | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
46 | 4805 | Anti dsDNA Antibody by Immunofluorescence (IF) | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
47 | 6661 | Anti Epstein Barr Virus IgG | 4,800 | 3360 | 2400 |
48 | 6662 | Anti Epstein Barr Virus IgM | 4,800 | 3360 | 2400 |
49 | 5066 | Anti Gliadin IgA | 3,850 | 2695 | 1925 |
50 | 4152 | Anti Gliadin IgG | 3,850 | 2695 | 1925 |
51 | 4236 | Anti HAV-IgG | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
52 | 4202 | Anti HAV-IgM | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
53 | 4204 | Anti HBc (Total) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
54 | 4205 | Anti HBc IgM | 4,200 | 2940 | 2100 |
55 | 4207 | Anti HBe | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
56 | 4203 | Anti HBs | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
57 | 4208 | Anti HCV | 2,850 | 1995 | 1425 |
58 | 4209 | Anti HDV (Total) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
59 | 4210 | Anti HEV IgG | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
60 | 4214 | Anti HEV IgM | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
61 | 4211 | Anti HIV (1 & 2) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
62 | 4447 | Anti Leptospiral IgG (Serum) | 4,400 | 3080 | 2200 |
63 | 1332 | Anti Leptospiral IgM (Serum) | 4,400 | 3080 | 2200 |
64 | 4711 | Anti LKM Antibodies | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
65 | 4668 | Anti Mitochondrial Antibody (AMA) by Immunofluorescence (IF) | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
66 | 1546 | Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH) | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
67 | 4667 | Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA) by Immunofluorescence (IF) | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
68 | 6001 | Anti Parvovirus IgG | 4,800 | 3360 | 2400 |
69 | 6000 | Anti Parvovirus IgM | 4,800 | 3360 | 2400 |
70 | 5038 | Anti Phospholipid IgG | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
71 | 5039 | Anti Phospholipid IgM | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
72 | 1350 | Anti Thrombin III | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
73 | 5031 | Anti Thyroglobulin | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
74 | 4177 | Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgA | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
75 | 4176 | Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgG | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
76 | 5057 | Anti TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
77 | 6663 | Antibodies Screening (Blood Bag) | 1,250 | 875 | 625 |
78 | 4235 | Anti-GBM (Serum) | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
79 | 1306 | APTT | 1,250 | 875 | 625 |
80 | 1399 | Arthritis Panel (Anti CCP, ESR, ASOT) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
81 | 2201 | Ascitic Fluid Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
82 | 2203 | Ascitic Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
83 | 2205 | Ascitic Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
84 | 2202 | Ascitic Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
85 | 6083 | Ascitic Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
86 | 6051 | Ascitic Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
87 | 2206 | Ascitic Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
88 | 3405 | ASOT (Anti Streptolysin O Titre) | 1,750 | 1225 | 875 |
89 | 6117 | Aspiration Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
90 | 6042 | Aspiration Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
91 | 5553 | Aspiration Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
92 | 1176 | Aspiration Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
93 | 6084 | Aspiration Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
94 | 6052 | Aspiration Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
95 | 6002 | Aspiration Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
96 | 1510 | AST / SGOT (Asparate Aminotransferase) | 700 | 490 | 350 |
97 | 4637 | Autoimmune IF Panel (Antibodies against cell nuclei (ANA), mitochondrial (AMA) & mitochondria smooth muscle (ASMA) by immunoflourescence | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
98 | 5085 | Autoimmune Liver Disease Profile | 9,500 | 6650 | 4750 |
99 | 1164 | Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) (Any Sepcimen) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
100 | 1105 | Barbiturates | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
101 | 4453 | Basic Bone Health Panel (Vitamin D, Corrected Calcium, Alkaline phosphatase, Phosphorous, Uric Acid) | 7,200 | 5040 | 3600 |
102 | 1504 | Basic Health Panel (CBC, Glucose(F), Creat, Uric Acid, LFT's, Lipid Profile, Vitamin D, Urine Routine,) | 10,000 | 7000 | 5000 |
103 | 1294 | Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate, Creatinine, Calcium, BUN, Glucose (F) ) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
104 | 4445 | Basic Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Panel (Testosterone (Total), LH, FSH, TSH) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
105 | 4100 | Basic Thyroid Panel (T3, T4, TSH) | 3,950 | 2765 | 1975 |
106 | 2510 | BCR-ABL PCR (Quantitative) Major | 28,000 | 19600 | 14000 |
107 | 2511 | BCR-ABL PCR (Quantitative) Minor | 26,000 | 18200 | 13000 |
108 | 2512 | BCR-ABL(FISH) | 24,000 | 16800 | 12000 |
109 | 1174 | Bed Sore for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
110 | 1102 | Bence Jones Protein (Spot Urine) | 1,100 | 770 | 550 |
111 | 1106 | Benzodiazepines | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
112 | 4155 | Beta 2 Microglobulin | 4,600 | 3220 | 2300 |
113 | 4303 | Beta HCG | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
114 | 4305 | Beta HCG (Male) | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
115 | 4157 | Beta-2 glycoprotein IgG | 3,800 | 2660 | 1900 |
116 | 4158 | Beta-2 glycoprotein IgM | 3,800 | 2660 | 1900 |
117 | 1704 | Bicarbonate (Serum) | 700 | 490 | 350 |
118 | 5063 | Bile Acid (Serum) | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
119 | 5062 | Bile Pigments ( Spot Urine ) | 550 | 385 | 275 |
120 | 5061 | Bile Salt ( Spot Urine ) | 600 | 420 | 300 |
121 | 1502 | Bilirubin - Direct | 650 | 455 | 325 |
122 | 1514 | Bilirubin - Indirect | 650 | 455 | 325 |
123 | 1341 | Bilirubin Profile - Total, Direct, Indirect | 1,200 | 840 | 600 |
124 | 3594 | Biopsy - Amputation (including Immunohistochemistry) | 11,500 | 8050 | 5750 |
125 | 3500 | Biopsy - Extra Large specimen (including immunohistochemistry stains) | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
126 | 3545 | Biopsy - Frozen Section (including Final Report & Immunohistochemistry) | 12,000 | 8400 | 6000 |
127 | 3489 | Biopsy - Large Specimen (including Immunohistochemistry) | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
128 | 3004 | Biopsy - Liver or Muscle (including Immunohistochemistry) | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
129 | 3479 | Biopsy - Medium specimen (including immunohistochemistry stains) | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
130 | 3484 | Biopsy - Prostate/Urinary Bladder (including immunohistochemistry stains) | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
131 | 3490 | Biopsy - Small specimen (including immunohistochemistry stains) | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
132 | 1345 | Bleeding Time(BT) | 700 | 490 | 350 |
133 | 1206 | Blocks & Slids Request | 1 | 0.7 | 0.5 |
134 | 1429 | Blood Alcohol Level | 3,200 | 2240 | 1600 |
135 | 1333 | Blood C/E with Peripheral Smear (CBC) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
136 | 6656 | Blood Cross Match Only | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
137 | 6655 | Blood Cross Match With Screening | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
138 | 6650 | Blood Donation | 1 | 0.7 | 0.5 |
139 | 1322 | Blood for Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) - Aerobic & Anaerobic | 5,500 | 3850 | 2750 |
140 | 1312 | Blood for Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) - Aerobic only | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
141 | 1352 | Blood for Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) - Aerobic only (Initial Report) | 1 | 0.7 | 0.5 |
142 | 1323 | Blood for Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) - Anaerobic only | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
143 | 1375 | Blood for Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) - Anaerobic only (Initial Report) | 1 | 0.7 | 0.5 |
144 | 1361 | Blood for Microfilaria (Filarial Parasite) | 750 | 525 | 375 |
145 | 1400 | Blood Glucose - Fasting | 450 | 315 | 225 |
146 | 1401 | Blood Glucose - Random | 450 | 315 | 225 |
147 | 1428 | Blood Glucose ½ hrs (After 75 Grams Glucose) | 450 | 315 | 225 |
148 | 1419 | Blood Glucose 1 hrs (After 75 Grams Glucose) | 450 | 315 | 225 |
149 | 1427 | Blood Glucose 1½ hrs (After 75 Grams Glucose) | 450 | 315 | 225 |
150 | 2800 | Blood Group & Rh Factor | 900 | 630 | 450 |
151 | 1602 | Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
152 | 1810 | BNP | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
153 | 6128 | Body Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
154 | 6031 | Body Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
155 | 2215 | Body Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
156 | 2236 | Body Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
157 | 5566 | Body Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
158 | 5564 | Body Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
159 | 3483 | Bone Biopsy - Large Specimen (including Immunohistochemistry) | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
160 | 3482 | Bone Biopsy - Small Specimen (including Immunohistochemistry) | 5,500 | 3850 | 2750 |
161 | 6118 | Bone for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
162 | 1175 | Bone for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
163 | 6085 | Bone for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
164 | 3934 | Bone Marrow - Procedure (No Report) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
165 | 3501 | Bone Marrow - Procedure, Processing & Interpretation (Aspiration & Trephine biopsy) Including Immunohistochemistry Stains | 10,500 | 7350 | 5250 |
166 | 3600 | Bone Marrow - Processing & Interpretation (Aspiration & Trephine biopsy) Including Immunohistochemistry Stains | 9,500 | 6650 | 4750 |
167 | 3491 | Bone Marrow - Review of Case (Aspiration & Trephine Biopsy) Including Immunohistochemistry Stains | 13,500 | 9450 | 6750 |
168 | 3061 | Bone Marrow - Review of Case (Slides) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
169 | 1166 | Bone Marrow for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
170 | 6082 | Bone Marrow for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
171 | 5011 | Bone Marrow Trephine Biopsy, Processing & Staining (No Report) | 500 | 350 | 250 |
172 | 3494 | Breast Cancer Prognostic Markers (ER, PR, HER2, Ki-67) | 14,000 | 9800 | 7000 |
173 | 3493 | Breast Cancer Biomarkers (ER, PR, HER2) | 11,500 | 8050 | 5750 |
174 | 3114 | Breast Cancer Research - Cancer Case (With Report) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
175 | 3115 | Breast Cancer Research - Normal Case (Without Report) | 550 | 385 | 275 |
176 | 6133 | Breast Milk for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
177 | 6041 | Breast Milk for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
178 | 2253 | Breast Milk for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
179 | 1123 | Breast Milk for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) (Left side) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
180 | 6058 | Breast Milk for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) (Right side) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
181 | 6101 | Breast Milk for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
182 | 6061 | Breast Milk for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
183 | 6012 | Breast Milk for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
184 | 2217 | Bronchial Washing for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
185 | 6030 | Bronchial Washing for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
186 | 2216 | Bronchial Washing for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
187 | 6086 | Bronchial Washing for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
188 | 6053 | Bronchial Washing for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
189 | 6003 | Bronchial Washing for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
190 | 6119 | Broncho Alveolar Lavage for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
191 | 6047 | Bronchoalveolar Lavage for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
192 | 1171 | Bronchoalveolar Lavage for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
193 | 6087 | Bronchoalveolar Lavage for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
194 | 6054 | Bronchoalveolar Lavage for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
195 | 6004 | Bronchoalveolar Lavage for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
196 | 2601 | Brucella IgG | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
197 | 2602 | Brucella IgM | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
198 | 1619 | BUN / Creatinine Ratio (Serum) | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
199 | 4184 | C- Peptide | 4,200 | 2940 | 2100 |
200 | 4600 | C3 (Complement 3) | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
201 | 4601 | C4 (Complement 4) | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
202 | 4302 | CA 125 | 5,200 | 3640 | 2600 |
203 | 1512 | CA 15-3 | 4,400 | 3080 | 2200 |
204 | 4306 | CA 19-9 | 5,200 | 3640 | 2600 |
205 | 1749 | Calcium - Corrected | 1,250 | 875 | 625 |
206 | 1547 | Calcium - Ionized | 1,350 | 945 | 675 |
207 | 3508 | Calcium ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
208 | 1705 | Calcium (Serum) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
209 | 3521 | Calcium (Spot Urine) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
210 | 1143 | Calcium/Creatinine Ratio (Spot Urine) | 1,600 | 1120 | 800 |
211 | 2730 | Calculi Renal | 7,200 | 5040 | 3600 |
212 | 5618 | Calprotectin (Stool) | 5,600 | 3920 | 2800 |
213 | 5017 | c-ANCA (Anti Proteinase-3) | 6,500 | 4550 | 3250 |
214 | 1124 | Cannabinoids | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
215 | 4401 | Carbamazepine (Tegretol) | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
216 | 1800 | Cardiac Enzymes Panel (LDH, CK, CK-MB, AST) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
217 | 1806 | Cardiac Panel Including Troponin I (LDH, CK, CK-MB, AST, Troponin I) | 6,400 | 4480 | 3200 |
218 | 4023 | Catecholamines Group of Tests(Metanephrine,Nor Metanephrine,Dopamine) | 12,000 | 8400 | 6000 |
219 | 5614 | Catheter Tip for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
220 | 5613 | Catheter Tip for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
221 | 5611 | Catheter Tip for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
222 | 5616 | Catheter Tip for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
223 | 5615 | Catheter Tip for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
224 | 5612 | Catheter Tip for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
225 | 1351 | CBC - Special for Dengue | 90 | 90 | 90 |
226 | 1340 | CBC- Blood Complete Examination (5 Parts Differential) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
227 | 1376 | CBC- Complete Blood Count (CCH) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
228 | 3332 | CD-34 Stem Cell | 20,000 | 14000 | 10000 |
229 | 5082 | CD-4/CD-8 count | 24,000 | 16800 | 12000 |
230 | 4301 | CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
231 | 3334 | Cell Block (including immunohistochemistry) | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
232 | 4139 | Ceruloplasmin | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
233 | 6120 | Cervical Swab for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
234 | 6049 | Cervical Swab for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
235 | 1172 | Cervical Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
236 | 6088 | Cervical Swab for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
237 | 6055 | Cervical Swab for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
238 | 6005 | Cervical Swab for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
239 | 1712 | Chloride ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
240 | 1703 | Chloride (Serum) | 600 | 420 | 300 |
241 | 1711 | Chloride (Spot Urine) | 700 | 490 | 350 |
242 | 1902 | Cholesterol | 750 | 525 | 375 |
243 | 4310 | Chronic Hepatitis Panel (Liver function test, HBsAg, HCV) | 6,500 | 4550 | 3250 |
244 | 3523 | Citrate Level ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
245 | 1801 | CK (Creatine kinase) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
246 | 1802 | CK-MB (Creatine Kinase - Myocardial Band) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
247 | 1346 | Clotting Time (CT) | 650 | 455 | 325 |
248 | 2803 | CMV by PCR (Viral Load / Quantitative) | 18,000 | 12600 | 9000 |
249 | 4444 | Coagulation Panel (PT, APTT, CBC) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
250 | 1109 | Cocaine | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
251 | 1615 | Comprehensive Metabolic Profile (CMP)(Glucose(F), ALT, AST, BUN, Creatinine, Serum Electrolytes, Bicarbonate, Calcium (Total), Uric Acid, HbA1c) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
252 | 1181 | Conjunctival Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
253 | 1336 | Coomb's Direct (Polyspecific) | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
254 | 1337 | Coomb's Indirect (Polyspecific) | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
255 | 1709 | Copper | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
256 | 3526 | Copper Level ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
257 | 1167 | Corneal Scraping For Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
258 | 5303 | Corneal Scraping for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
259 | 4129 | Cortisol (24 Hrs Urine) | 3,200 | 2240 | 1600 |
260 | 4112 | Cortisol (AM) | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
261 | 4113 | Cortisol (PM) | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
262 | 1665 | COVID Prognosis Panel (CBC, CRP, LDH, D-Dimer, Ferritin) | 8,500 | 8,500 | 8,500 |
263 | 5501 | COVID-19 PCR - Urgent (by Abbott) | 8,000 | 8,000 | 8,000 |
264 | 3407 | C-Reactive Protien, High Sensitive (CRP-HS) | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
265 | 3511 | Creatinine ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
266 | 1603 | Creatinine (Serum) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
267 | 1607 | Creatinine (Spot Urine) | 950 | 665 | 475 |
268 | 1604 | Creatinine Clearance (24 Hrs Urine & Serum) | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
269 | 4021 | Cryoprecipitate Preparation (Manual) | 1,600 | 1120 | 800 |
270 | 2224 | CSF for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
271 | 2226 | CSF for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
272 | 2266 | CSF for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
273 | 2223 | CSF for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
274 | 5557 | CSF for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
275 | 5558 | CSF for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
276 | 2227 | CSF for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
277 | 6121 | CVP Tip For AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
278 | 6024 | CVP Tip for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
279 | 1132 | CVP Tip for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
280 | 6089 | CVP Tip for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
281 | 6073 | CVP Tip for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
282 | 1232 | CVP Tip for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
283 | 4406 | Cyclosporine (Blood) | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
284 | 6122 | Cystic Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
285 | 6036 | Cystic Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
286 | 1245 | Cystic Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
287 | 1155 | Cystic Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
288 | 6090 | Cystic Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
289 | 6045 | Cystic Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
290 | 6006 | Cystic Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
291 | 4456 | Cytogenetic Study for Hematological Malignancies from Bone Marrow & Peripheral Blood | 16,000 | 11200 | 8000 |
292 | 3001 | Cytology Review | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
293 | 4705 | Cytomegalovirus IgG (CMV) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
294 | 4706 | Cytomegalovirus IgM (CMV) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
295 | 3002 | Cytopathology staining per slide (Diff Quick, Giemsa, Pap, H&E) - NO REPORT | 180 | 126 | 90 |
296 | 4197 | Dengue IgG antibody | 1,500 | 1,500 | 1,500 |
297 | 4198 | Dengue IgM antibody | 1,500 | 1,500 | 1,500 |
298 | 4189 | Dengue NS1 Antigen | 1,500 | 1,500 | 1,500 |
299 | 5502 | Dengue RNA by PCR | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
300 | 4120 | DHEA - SO4 | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
301 | 5010 | Diabetes Panel (Glucose (F), HbA1c, Microalbuminuria) | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
302 | 1392 | Dialysis / Chronic Kidney Disease Profile (CBC, Urea, Creatinine, Serum Electrolytes, Bicarbonate, Intact PTH, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, ALT, Uric Acid) | 8,500 | 5950 | 4250 |
303 | 1303 | Differential Leukocyte Counts(DLC) | 600 | 420 | 300 |
304 | 4400 | Digoxin | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
305 | 4555 | Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) | 5,500 | 3850 | 2750 |
306 | 6123 | DJ Stent for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
307 | 5598 | DJ Stent for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
308 | 1159 | DJ Stent for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
309 | 6091 | DJ Stent for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
310 | 6074 | DJ Stent for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
311 | 6025 | DJ Stent for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
312 | 1177 | Double Lumen Tube for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
313 | 6124 | Drain for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
314 | 6043 | Drain for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
315 | 1179 | Drain for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
316 | 6092 | Drain for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
317 | 6056 | Drain for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
318 | 6007 | Drain for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
319 | 6125 | Drain Tip for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
320 | 5581 | Drain Tip for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
321 | 6093 | Drain Tip for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
322 | 6077 | Drain Tip for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
323 | 6028 | Drain Tip for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
324 | 1119 | Drugs of Abuse (Urine screening) | 6,500 | 4550 | 3250 |
325 | 6126 | Ear Swab for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
326 | 6048 | Ear Swab for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
327 | 2259 | Ear Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
328 | 6094 | Ear Swab for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
329 | 6057 | Ear Swab for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
330 | 6008 | Ear Swab for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
331 | 9430 | ECG (No Report) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
332 | 1368 | Echinococcus IgG | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
333 | 2234 | eGFR | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
334 | 3025 | EGFR Mutation by PCR | 40,000 | 28000 | 20000 |
335 | 1700 | Electrolytes (Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate) | 1,650 | 1155 | 825 |
336 | 4660 | ENA Profile (20+ protein targets) | 10,500 | 7350 | 5250 |
337 | 3877 | Entamoeba Histolytica Abs (Amoebiasis) | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
338 | 1356 | Eosinophil Count ( Spot Urine ) | 450 | 315 | 225 |
339 | 3505 | ER & PR Immunohistochemistry | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
340 | 5077 | Erythropoietin (EPO) | 9,000 | 6300 | 4500 |
341 | 1304 | ESR | 500 | 350 | 250 |
342 | 4118 | Estradiol (E2) | 2,700 | 1890 | 1350 |
343 | 6127 | ETT Tip for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
344 | 6076 | ETT Tip for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
345 | 5600 | ETT Tip for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
346 | 6095 | ETT Tip for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
347 | 5601 | ETT Tip for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
348 | 6027 | ETT Tipf or Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
349 | 4451 | Everolimus | 9,000 | 6300 | 4500 |
350 | 4454 | Extended Bone Health Panel (Vitamin D, Corrected Calcium, Albumin, Alkaline phosphatase, Phosphorous, Creatinine, Magnesium, Uric Acid, PTH) | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
351 | 4449 | Extended Diabetes Panel (CBC, Glouse (F), HbA1c, HBsAg, HCV, Creatinine, Uric Acid, Lipid Profile, Urine C/E) | 11,500 | 8050 | 5750 |
352 | 3040 | Extended Health Panel (CBC, HBsAg, HCV, Glucose(F), Creat, Uric Acid, LFT's, Lipid Profile, Vitamin D, Urine Routine) | 16,000 | 11200 | 8000 |
353 | 7524 | Extended Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Panel (Testosterone (Total), TSH, LH, FSH, Prolactin, DHEA-SO4, Insulin, SHBG, 17-Hydroxyprogestrone, Glucose (F/R), Lipid Profile) | 25,000 | 17500 | 12500 |
354 | 3536 | Extended Renal Heath Panel (Serum Electrolytes, Bicarbonate, BUN, Urine Routine, Calcium, Phosphorus, Uric Aicd, Anion Gap, PTH, Microalbuminuria)) | 10,000 | 7000 | 5000 |
355 | 4433 | Extended Thyroid Panel (Free T3, Free T4, TSH, T3, T4) | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
356 | 7006 | Factor II Level | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
357 | 7002 | Factor IX Level | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
358 | 1384 | Factor V Leiden Mutation by PCR | 9,500 | 6650 | 4750 |
359 | 7007 | Factor V Level (ACG/Proaccelerin, Labile factor) | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
360 | 7009 | Factor VII Level (Proconvertin, Stable factor) | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
361 | 7001 | Factor VIII Level | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
362 | 7008 | Factor X Level | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
363 | 1309 | FDP (D-Dimer) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
364 | 4431 | Female Infertility Panel (FSH, LH, Prolactin, Progestrone, Estradiol) | 12,000 | 8400 | 6000 |
365 | 4606 | Ferritin | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
366 | 1240 | Fever Panel (CBC, Malaria Antigen, Dengue NS1, Blood C/S (Thphoid), Urine Complete) | 7,800 | 5460 | 3900 |
367 | 1308 | Fibrinogen | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
368 | 3056 | FISH - ALK (ALK Rearrangement in Non-Small Cell Carcinoma) | 40,000 | 28000 | 20000 |
369 | 3497 | FISH - HER2/Neu | 36,000 | 25200 | 18000 |
370 | 1389 | Flowcytometry-Acute Leukemia Immunophenotyping ( Peripheral Blood) | 36,000 | 25200 | 18000 |
371 | 1366 | Flowcytometry-Acute Leukemia immunophenotyping (Bone Marrow Aspiration & Tissue) | 36,000 | 25200 | 18000 |
372 | 2261 | Fluid - Albumin | 800 | 560 | 400 |
373 | 1517 | Fluid - Bilirubin (Total) | 700 | 490 | 350 |
374 | 1713 | Fluid - Chloride | 650 | 455 | 325 |
375 | 1617 | Fluid - Creatinine | 900 | 630 | 450 |
376 | 5305 | Fluid - Glucose | 450 | 315 | 225 |
377 | 6033 | Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
378 | 2237 | Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
379 | 2247 | Fluid for Cytology (Cytospin) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
380 | 3052 | Fluid for Cytoloty Processing & Staining (No Report) | 1,600 | 1120 | 800 |
381 | 6096 | Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
382 | 5565 | Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
383 | 6009 | Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
384 | 2222 | Fluid for TLC & DLC | 900 | 630 | 450 |
385 | 1391 | Fluid for WBC Count (TLC) | 650 | 455 | 325 |
386 | 5159 | Fluorescent Treponemal Antibodies Test (FTA-ABS) | 6,500 | 4550 | 3250 |
387 | 3502 | FNA by Pathologist, Preparation and Interpretation (Including Cell Block) | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
388 | 4319 | Folate - Red cell | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
389 | 4110 | Folate (Folic Acid) | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
390 | 1160 | Foley’s Tip for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
391 | 6129 | Foley's Tip for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
392 | 5599 | Foley's Tip for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
393 | 6097 | Foley's Tip for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
394 | 6075 | Foley's Tip for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
395 | 6026 | Foley's Tip for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
396 | 4109 | Free T3 | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
397 | 4106 | Free T4 | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
398 | 4128 | Free Testosterone (Serum) | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
399 | 4133 | Free Thyroid Panel (Free T3, Free T4, TSH) | 5,500 | 3850 | 2750 |
400 | 6658 | Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) (No Report) | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
401 | 4105 | FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone) | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
402 | 6113 | Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) ( Spot Urine ) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
403 | 1217 | Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
404 | 1320 | G6PD (Quantitative) | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
405 | 1169 | Gastric Aspirate for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
406 | 1431 | GCT (After 75 Grams Glucose) - 2 samples | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
407 | 1152 | Gene Expert MTB-RIF | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
408 | 1506 | GGT (Gamma-glutamyl Transferase) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
409 | 1523 | Globulins | 750 | 525 | 375 |
410 | 1413 | Glucose - 2 Hours after Meal | 450 | 315 | 225 |
411 | 1402 | Glucose - 2 Hours Post prandial | 450 | 315 | 225 |
412 | 1415 | Glucose - After Dinner | 450 | 315 | 225 |
413 | 1412 | Glucose - After Lunch | 450 | 315 | 225 |
414 | 1414 | Glucose - Before Dinner | 450 | 315 | 225 |
415 | 1411 | Glucose - Before Lunch | 450 | 315 | 225 |
416 | 5302 | Glucose (CSF) | 500 | 350 | 250 |
417 | 1144 | Gonorrhoea Screening (Gram Stain) | 650 | 455 | 325 |
418 | 1403 | GTT (After 75 Grams Glucose)- 3 Samples | 1,200 | 840 | 600 |
419 | 3503 | Gynaecological, Cervical or Vaginal Smears | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
420 | 6130 | Hair for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
421 | 6098 | Hair for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
422 | 6080 | Hair for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
423 | 4148 | Haptoglobin Level (Serum) | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
424 | 5012 | Hb Electrophoresis | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
425 | 4802 | HbA1c (Glycosylated Hemoglobin) | 2,300 | 1610 | 1150 |
426 | 4206 | HBeAg (Antigen) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
427 | 4201 | HBsAg (Antigen) | 2,100 | 1470 | 1050 |
428 | 3363 | HBsAg (Screening) | 1,200 | 840 | 600 |
429 | 4609 | HBV PCR ( Qualitative & Quantitative ) | 9,800 | 6860 | 4900 |
430 | 3362 | HCV (Screening) | 1,200 | 840 | 600 |
431 | 4646 | HCV Genotyping By PCR | 16,500 | 11550 | 8250 |
432 | 4607 | HCV PCR ( Qualitative & Quantitative) | 8,500 | 5950 | 4250 |
433 | 1904 | HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) | 750 | 525 | 375 |
434 | 4427 | Heart Health Panel (Glucose (F), hsCRP, Homocysteine, Lipid Profile, NT-Pro BNP) | 11,500 | 8050 | 5750 |
435 | 4234 | Helicobacter Pylori - IgA | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
436 | 4230 | Helicobacter Pylori - IgG | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
437 | 4231 | Helicobacter Pylori - IgM | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
438 | 1321 | Hematocrit (Hct) | 600 | 420 | 300 |
439 | 1301 | Hemoglobin (Hb) | 550 | 385 | 275 |
440 | 1334 | Hemolysis Panel (CBC, Retic Count, Direct Coomb's, LDH, Bilirubin) | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
441 | 1203 | Hemosiderin ( Spot Urine ) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
442 | 6131 | Hepatic Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
443 | 6039 | Hepatic Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
444 | 5554 | Hepatic Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
445 | 5555 | Hepatic Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
446 | 6099 | Hepatic Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
447 | 6059 | Hepatic Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
448 | 6010 | Hepatic Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
449 | 4212 | Hepatitis "B" Panel(HBsAg,Anti HBs,HBc IgM,HBc (Total), HBe, Anti-Hbe) | 15,000 | 10500 | 7500 |
450 | 4256 | Hepatitis Screening (Hepatitis B & C Screening by ELISA/CLIA) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
451 | 3096 | HER2 by Immunohistochemistry (IHC) | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
452 | 4651 | Herpes (HSV 1 & 2) PCR (Qualitative) | 9,000 | 6300 | 4500 |
453 | 4709 | Herpes- IgG (HSV) | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
454 | 4710 | Herpes- IgM (HSV) | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
455 | 3005 | Histopathology grossing, processing & staining (per slide, H&E) – NO REPORT | 550 | 385 | 275 |
456 | 3007 | Histopathology Interpretation & Picture | 500 | 350 | 250 |
457 | 2219 | Histopathology processing & staining per slide (H&E) – NO REPORT | 400 | 280 | 200 |
458 | 3492 | Histopathology Review - Referred Case (including immunohistochemistry panel) | 13,500 | 9450 | 6750 |
459 | 3006 | Histopathology staining/Recut per slide (H&E) – NO REPORT | 200 | 140 | 100 |
460 | 3361 | HIV (Screening) | 1,200 | 840 | 600 |
461 | 4623 | HIV BY PCR (Viral Load / Quantitation) | 13,500 | 9450 | 6750 |
462 | 5888 | HLA B27 Allele by PCR | 18,000 | 12600 | 9000 |
463 | 4186 | Homocysteine Level (Serum) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
464 | 2257 | Hospital OT Air for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
465 | 2258 | Hospital OT Anesthesia Machine Swab for Bacterial C/S | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
466 | 2254 | Hospital OT Bed Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
467 | 2256 | Hospital OT Floor Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
468 | 2250 | Hospital OT Microscope Swab for Bacterial C/S | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
469 | 2252 | Hospital OT Suction Machine Swab for Bacterial C/S | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
470 | 2245 | Hospital OT Table Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
471 | 2255 | Hospital OT Wall Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
472 | 5595 | HVS for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
473 | 5594 | HVS for AFB Smear/ZNStain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
474 | 1228 | HVS for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
475 | 5597 | HVS for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
476 | 5596 | HVS for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
477 | 1230 | HVS for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
478 | 1244 | Hydrocele Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
479 | 5551 | Hydrocele Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
480 | 2239 | Hydrocele Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
481 | 2238 | Hydrocele Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
482 | 1213 | Hydrocele Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
483 | 5552 | Hydrocele Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
484 | 7555 | Hypertension Panel(Glucose (F), Lipid Profile, Urea , Creatnine, Serum Electrolytes) | 5,500 | 3850 | 2750 |
485 | 4602 | IgA - Quantitative | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
486 | 4605 | IgE, Total | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
487 | 4603 | IgG - Quantitative | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
488 | 4604 | IgM - Quantitative | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
489 | 4857 | IL-6 (Interleukin-6) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
490 | 1378 | Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
491 | 4611 | Immunoglobulins Panel (IgA,IgG,IgM, IgE) | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
492 | 3518 | Immunohistochemistry (IHC, each antibody) – NO REPORT | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
493 | 3596 | Immunohistochemistry (IHC, each antibody) with Report | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
494 | 6654 | Influenza/RSV by PCR | 18,000 | 12600 | 9000 |
495 | 4160 | Insulin - Fasting | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
496 | 4187 | Insulin Like Growth Factor - 1 (IGF-1) | 9,500 | 6650 | 4750 |
497 | 4125 | Intact Parathyroid Hormone (iPTH) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
498 | 2503 | Intrinsic Factor Antibodies | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
499 | 2702 | Iron Level | 1,250 | 875 | 625 |
500 | 4423 | Iron Status Panel (Iron,TIBC,Ferritin) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
501 | 1168 | IUCD for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
502 | 4563 | Jak-2 Mutation | 16,000 | 11200 | 8000 |
503 | 6132 | Joint Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
504 | 6040 | Joint Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
505 | 2241 | Joint Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
506 | 2242 | Joint Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
507 | 6100 | Joint Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
508 | 6060 | Joint Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
509 | 6011 | Joint Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
510 | 3517 | Ketones ( Spot Urine ) | 600 | 420 | 300 |
511 | 5059 | Ketones (Blood) | 500 | 350 | 250 |
512 | 4689 | Kidney Screening (Urine C/E. Serum Creatinine) | 500 | 350 | 250 |
513 | 5023 | Lactate | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
514 | 5045 | Lactate (CSF) | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
515 | 5084 | Lactate Level (Fluid) | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
516 | 2251 | LDH (CSF) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
517 | 2248 | LDH (Fluid) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
518 | 1803 | LDH (Serum) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
519 | 2447 | LDH (Urine) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
520 | 1905 | LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) | 750 | 525 | 375 |
521 | 2502 | Legionella Antigen (spot urine) | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
522 | 4104 | LH (Luteinizing Hormone) | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
523 | 2722 | Lipase (Fluid) | 1,600 | 1120 | 800 |
524 | 2716 | Lipase (Serum) | 1,600 | 1120 | 800 |
525 | 1901 | Lipid Profile (TG, Cholestrol, HDL, VLDL, LDL) | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
526 | 1911 | Lipoprotein (A) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
527 | 1708 | Lithium (Serum) | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
528 | 1162 | Liver Abscess for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
529 | 1163 | Liver Aspirate for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
530 | 1509 | Liver Function Tests (LFT) (Total Protein, Albumin, Total Bilirbin, Direct & Indirect Bilirubin, ALT, AST, ALP, GGT, Globulinis, A/G Ratio) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
531 | 5026 | Lupus Anticoagulant LA1 (Screening) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
532 | 3533 | Magnesium ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
533 | 1707 | Magnesium (Serum) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
534 | 1335 | Malaria Antigen (ICT) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
535 | 1325 | Malarial Parasite (Thick & Thin) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
536 | 1315 | Malarial Parasites ( MP ) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
537 | 4432 | Male Infertility Panel (AMH, Total T4, TSH, Testosterone, DHEA-SO4) | 13,500 | 9450 | 6750 |
538 | 1328 | MCH | 500 | 350 | 250 |
539 | 1329 | MCHC | 500 | 350 | 250 |
540 | 1327 | MCV | 500 | 350 | 250 |
541 | 5027 | Measles IgG | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
542 | 5071 | Measles IgM | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
543 | 5140 | Medical Consultation Fee | 600 | 420 | 300 |
544 | 2500 | Medical OPD Charges | 100 | 70 | 50 |
545 | 2505 | Medical OPD Charges (Welfare) | 70 | 49 | 35 |
546 | 2506 | Medical OPD Charges (Zakat) | 50 | 35 | 25 |
547 | 4429 | Menopause Panel (Estradiol, TSH, Free T4, LH, FSH, Prolactin, Testosterone (Total), SHBG) | 16,000 | 11200 | 8000 |
548 | 4024 | Metanephrine (Urine) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
549 | 1125 | Methadone | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
550 | 7533 | Methotrexate | 4,600 | 3220 | 2300 |
551 | 4816 | Microalbumin (Spot Urine) | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
552 | 4804 | Microalbuminuria ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 1,600 | 1120 | 800 |
553 | 2545 | Mismatch Repair (MMR) Protein Immunohistochemistry [Microsatellite instability or MSI by IHC] | 13,500 | 9450 | 6750 |
554 | 3408 | Monospot (Infectious mononucleosis) | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
555 | 4411 | Morphine Derivatives ( Spot Urine ) | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
556 | 1324 | MPV | 650 | 455 | 325 |
557 | 4608 | MTB by PCR - Tuberculosis (Any Specimen) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
558 | 5028 | Mumps IgG | 3,400 | 2380 | 1700 |
559 | 5076 | Mumps IgM | 3,400 | 2380 | 1700 |
560 | 4422 | Muscle Enzymes Panel(CPK,LDH,SGOT,Aldolase) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
561 | 6149 | Mycodot IgG | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
562 | 6150 | Mycodot IgM | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
563 | 6651 | Mycoplasma Pneumoniae IgM | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
564 | 6134 | Nail for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
565 | 6102 | Nail for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
566 | 6081 | Nail for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
567 | 6135 | Nasal Swab for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
568 | 6046 | Nasal Swab for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
569 | 1170 | Nasal Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
570 | 6103 | Nasal Swab for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
571 | 6062 | Nasal Swab for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
572 | 6013 | Nasal Swab for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
573 | 6071 | Nephritic Panel (RA Factor, ANA, ASO, C-ANCA, P-ANCA, C3, C4, IgA, IgM, IgG) | 22,000 | 15400 | 11000 |
574 | 4025 | Nor-metanephrine (Urine) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
575 | 1811 | NT-Pro BNP | 4,200 | 2940 | 2100 |
576 | 1286 | Opiates | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
577 | 3602 | Osmolality ( Serum ) | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
578 | 1104 | Osmolality ( Spot Urine ) | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
579 | 1318 | Osmotic / RBC's Fragility | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
580 | 1394 | Osteoporosis Panel (Alkaline Phosphatase, Calcium, Phosphate, Albumin, Vitamin D) | 6,500 | 4550 | 3250 |
581 | 3504 | Outside Unstained FNA Slides/FNA material (including Cell Block) | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
582 | 6657 | Packed Red Blood Cells (PCV) (No Report) | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
583 | 5018 | p-ANCA (Anti MPO) | 6,500 | 4550 | 3250 |
584 | 6136 | Pancreatic Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
585 | 6037 | Pancreatic Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
586 | 6116 | Pancreatic Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
587 | 1173 | Pancreatic fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
588 | 6104 | Pancreatic Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
589 | 6063 | Pancreatic Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
590 | 6014 | Pancreatic Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
591 | 4655 | Pap Smear Kit | 600 | 420 | 300 |
592 | 9052 | Pathologist Visit for (Bone Marrow/FNAC) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
593 | 6137 | Pericardial Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
594 | 6034 | Pericardial Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
595 | 5559 | Pericardial Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
596 | 1165 | Pericardial Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
597 | 6105 | Pericardial Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
598 | 6064 | Pericardial Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
599 | 6015 | Pericardial Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
600 | 6138 | Peritoneal Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
601 | 6038 | Peritoneal Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
602 | 2229 | Peritoneal Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
603 | 2230 | Peritoneal Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
604 | 6106 | Peritoneal Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
605 | 6065 | Peritoneal Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
606 | 6016 | Peritoneal Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
607 | 1134 | pH & Reducing Substances ( Urine ) | 500 | 350 | 250 |
608 | 1202 | pH & Reducing Substances ( Stool ) | 600 | 420 | 300 |
609 | 1387 | pH (Pleural Fluid) | 450 | 315 | 225 |
610 | 1482 | pH (Pleural Fluid) | 450 | 315 | 225 |
611 | 1238 | pH (Urine) | 450 | 315 | 225 |
612 | 5058 | Phencyclidine | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
613 | 4404 | Phenytoin (Dilantin) | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
614 | 3513 | Phosphorous ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
615 | 1706 | Phosphorus (Serum) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
616 | 1613 | Phosphorus (Spot Urine) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
617 | 3063 | Physical Examination | 600 | 420 | 300 |
618 | 4405 | PIVKA - II Level | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
619 | 1311 | Platelet Count | 500 | 350 | 250 |
620 | 6659 | Platelets Preparation (Manual) (No Report) | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
621 | 2210 | Pleural Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
622 | 2212 | Pleural Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
623 | 2208 | Pleural Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
624 | 2209 | Pleural Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
625 | 6107 | Pleural Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
626 | 6066 | Pleural Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
627 | 2213 | Pleural Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
628 | 5087 | Porphobilinogen ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
629 | 3507 | Potassium ( Spot Urine ) | 700 | 490 | 350 |
630 | 3603 | Potassium (24 hours Urine ) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
631 | 3535 | Potassium (Fluid) | 700 | 490 | 350 |
632 | 1702 | Potassium (Serum) | 600 | 420 | 300 |
633 | 1535 | Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Panel (CBC, LFT, Serum electrolyte, Urine Protien/Creatnine Ratio, Urine Routine) | 6,500 | 4550 | 3250 |
634 | 3403 | Pregnancy Test ( Urine ) | 600 | 420 | 300 |
635 | 1397 | Pre-Marital Panel (Anti HCV, HBsAg, Anti-HIV, Hb Electrophoresis) | 9,500 | 6650 | 4750 |
636 | 5042 | Procalcitonin (Serum) | 5,800 | 4060 | 2900 |
637 | 4108 | Progesterone | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
638 | 4107 | Prolactin | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
639 | 1113 | Protein (24 Hours Urine) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
640 | 2249 | Protein (CSF) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
641 | 1520 | Protein (Fluid) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
642 | 1606 | Protein (Spot Urine) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
643 | 1348 | Protein C | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
644 | 1349 | Protein S | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
645 | 1625 | Protein/Creatinine Ratio ( Spot Urine ) | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
646 | 1305 | Prothrombin Time (PT/ INR) | 1,200 | 840 | 600 |
647 | 4304 | PSA (Total) | 3,300 | 2310 | 1650 |
648 | 1222 | Pus for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
649 | 1223 | Pus for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
650 | 1219 | Pus for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
651 | 5579 | Pus for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
652 | 5578 | Pus for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
653 | 1224 | Pus for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
654 | 5586 | Pus Swab for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
655 | 5584 | Pus Swab for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
656 | 5585 | Pus Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
657 | 5588 | Pus Swab for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
658 | 5587 | Pus Swab for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
659 | 5583 | Pus Swab for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
660 | 4613 | Quantiferon TB Gold Plus | 12,000 | 8400 | 6000 |
661 | 1307 | RBC Morphology | 600 | 420 | 300 |
662 | 1398 | RDW-CV | 700 | 490 | 350 |
663 | 3498 | Renal Biopsy (including Histology, Special Stain & Immunofluorescence) | 12,000 | 8400 | 6000 |
664 | 1628 | Renal Function Test (RFT) (Creatnine, Urea,Uric Acid, eGFR) | 1,650 | 1155 | 825 |
665 | 5041 | Renin Plasma | 4,800 | 3360 | 2400 |
666 | 1314 | Reticulocytes Count | 800 | 560 | 400 |
667 | 1347 | Rh Antibodies (Anti D Antibodies) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
668 | 3400 | Rheumatoid Factor (R.A Factor) | 1,400 | 980 | 700 |
669 | 4442 | Rheumatology IF Panel ( RA Factor, Anti Nuclear Antibody (ANA) by IF, Anti CCP) | 10,000 | 7000 | 5000 |
670 | 4469 | RPR (Syphilis Screening) | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
671 | 4701 | Rubella IgG | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
672 | 4702 | Rubella IgM | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
673 | 1207 | Semen Analysis | 3,200 | 2240 | 1600 |
674 | 6139 | Semen for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
675 | 5577 | Semen for AFB Smear/ZN stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
676 | 1208 | Semen for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
677 | 6108 | Semen for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
678 | 6067 | Semen for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
679 | 6018 | Semen for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
680 | 3451 | Senior Citizen (Men) Panel (CBC, Glucose (F), Creatinine, Lipid Profile, HbA1c, Uric Acid, PSA, TSH) | 10,900 | 7630 | 5450 |
681 | 3452 | Senior Citizen (Women) Panel (CBC, Glucose (F), Creatinine, Lipid Profile, HbA1c, Uric Acid, Calcium, TSH, Vitamin D) | 11,600 | 8120 | 5800 |
682 | 6998 | Serum ADA Level | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
683 | 4022 | Serum Anti Endomysial IgA | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
684 | 1145 | Serum Free Light Chain | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
685 | 4415 | Serum Galactomannan | 6,500 | 4550 | 3250 |
686 | 4612 | Serum IgG4 | 11,000 | 7700 | 5500 |
687 | 3201 | Serum Immunofixation/Immunotyping | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
688 | 5101 | Serum Protein Electrophoresis | 3,200 | 2240 | 1600 |
689 | 4101 | Serum Total T3 | 1,600 | 1120 | 800 |
690 | 4102 | Serum Total T4 | 1,600 | 1120 | 800 |
691 | 4625 | Service Charges only | 200 | 140 | 100 |
692 | 5030 | Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
693 | 4115 | SGH (Growth Hormone) | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
694 | 1362 | Sickling Test | 650 | 455 | 325 |
695 | 4420 | Sirolimus | 8,500 | 5950 | 4250 |
696 | 3481 | Skin Biopsy (including Histology, Special Stain & Immunofluorescence) | 9,000 | 6300 | 4500 |
697 | 6140 | Skin Scraping for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
698 | 6109 | Skin Scraping for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
699 | 6079 | Skin Scraping for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
700 | 3506 | Sodium ( Spot Urine ) | 700 | 490 | 350 |
701 | 3601 | Sodium (24 hours Urine ) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
702 | 3534 | Sodium (Fluid) | 650 | 455 | 325 |
703 | 1701 | Sodium (Serum) | 600 | 420 | 300 |
704 | 3486 | Special Stain(s) per Slide (Reticulin, PAS/PAS-D, GMS, Mucicarmine, Iron, Copper, Congo red, EVG, JMS, Reticulin, Trichrome, ZN) – NO REPORT | 700 | 490 | 350 |
705 | 1247 | Sputum for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
706 | 1231 | Sputum for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
707 | 1210 | Sputum for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
708 | 5560 | Sputum for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
709 | 5550 | Sputum for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
710 | 1212 | Sputum for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
711 | 4471 | STD Screen (Anit-HIV, Anit-HCV, HBsAg, RPR/Syphilis) | 9,000 | 6300 | 4500 |
712 | 2200 | Stone For Chemical Analysis | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
713 | 1199 | Stool Fat Globules | 1,200 | 840 | 600 |
714 | 1111 | Stool for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
715 | 1200 | Stool for C/E | 660 | 462 | 330 |
716 | 1205 | Stool for Clostridium Difficile Toxin | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
717 | 5576 | Stool for H. pylori Antigen | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
718 | 1204 | Stool for Occult Blood | 600 | 420 | 300 |
719 | 1110 | Stool for Vibrio Cholera Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
720 | 3520 | Sugar Random ( Spot Urine ) | 450 | 315 | 225 |
721 | 6141 | Swab for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
722 | 6044 | Swab for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
723 | 5589 | Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
724 | 6110 | Swab for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
725 | 6068 | Swab for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
726 | 6019 | Swab for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
727 | 6142 | Synovial Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
728 | 6035 | Synovial Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
729 | 1214 | Synovial Fluid for Analysis | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
730 | 1215 | Synovial Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
731 | 6111 | Synovial Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
732 | 6069 | Synovial Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
733 | 5556 | Synovial Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
734 | 6020 | Synovial Fluid for Uric Acid Crystals | 1,400 | 980 | 700 |
735 | 3409 | Syphilis Antibody | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
736 | 4419 | Tacrolimus (Blood) | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
737 | 4124 | Testosterone | 2,400 | 1680 | 1200 |
738 | 5603 | Throat Swab for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
739 | 5602 | Throat Swab for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
740 | 1216 | Throat Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
741 | 5605 | Throat Swab for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
742 | 5604 | Throat Swab for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
743 | 1218 | Throat Swab for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
744 | 4174 | Thyroid Screening (Free T4, TSH) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
745 | 2703 | TIBC (Total Iron Binding Capacity) | 1,400 | 980 | 700 |
746 | 6143 | Tissue Biopsy for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
747 | 6032 | Tissue Biopsy for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
748 | 1158 | Tissue Biopsy for Baterical Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
749 | 6112 | Tissue Biopsy for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
750 | 6070 | Tissue Biopsy for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
751 | 6021 | Tissue Biopsy for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
752 | 1302 | TLC (WBC Count) | 600 | 420 | 300 |
753 | 4700 | Torch Panel (Toxoplasma IgG,Toxoplasma IgM, Rubella IgG, Rubella IgM, CMV IgG, CMV IgM, HSV 1&2 IgG, HSV 1&2 IgM) | 12,600 | 8820 | 6300 |
754 | 1501 | Total Bilirubin | 700 | 490 | 350 |
755 | 3524 | Total Kappa and Lambda Light Chains plus Ratio - Quantitative | 8,500 | 5950 | 4250 |
756 | 1507 | Total Protein (Serum) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
757 | 1310 | Total RBC | 550 | 385 | 275 |
758 | 4703 | Toxoplasma IgG | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
759 | 4704 | Toxoplasma IgM | 2,800 | 1960 | 1400 |
760 | 4757 | TPHA | 2,200 | 1540 | 1100 |
761 | 5608 | Tracheal Secretion for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
762 | 5607 | Tracheal Secretion for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
763 | 1161 | Tracheal Secretion for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
764 | 5610 | Tracheal Secretion for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
765 | 5609 | Tracheal Secretion for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
766 | 5606 | Tracheal Secretion for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
767 | 1178 | Tracheostomy Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
768 | 2819 | Transferrin | 1,100 | 770 | 550 |
769 | 2717 | Transferrin saturation (TSAT) | 1,900 | 1330 | 950 |
770 | 3539 | Tricylic Antidepressants | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
771 | 1903 | Triglycerides | 800 | 560 | 400 |
772 | 4806 | Troponin I (High Sensitive) | 3,200 | 2240 | 1600 |
773 | 1807 | Troponin-T (High Sensitive) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
774 | 1830 | Troponin-T Screening (CCH) | 3,200 | 2240 | 1600 |
775 | 4103 | TSH | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
776 | 4143 | TSH Receptor Antibody | 4,800 | 3360 | 2400 |
777 | 1221 | T-Spot TB Test (T-Cell Count) | 14,000 | 9800 | 7000 |
778 | 3527 | Tuberclosis (ICT) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
779 | 4426 | Tumor Markers Panel (Beta HCG,AFP,CEA,CA-125) | 11,500 | 8050 | 5750 |
780 | 4809 | Typhoid IgG (Screening) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
781 | 4811 | Typhoid IgM (Screening | 800 | 560 | 400 |
782 | 9285 | Ultra Sound (USG): (Soft tissue) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
783 | 8014 | Ultra Sound (USG): Abdomen | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
784 | 9273 | Ultra Sound (USG): Abdomen & Prostate | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
785 | 8039 | Ultra Sound (USG): Abdomen & KUB | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
786 | 8016 | Ultra Sound (USG): Abdomen & Pelvis | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
787 | 9275 | Ultra Sound (USG): Abdominal USG (Paeds | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
788 | 9463 | Ultra Sound (USG): Anomaly Scan | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
789 | 8105 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ascitic Tap | 9,000 | 6300 | 4500 |
790 | 9277 | Ultra Sound (USG): Aspiration Under USG | 12,000 | 8400 | 6000 |
791 | 9397 | Ultra Sound (USG): Bilateral Shoulder | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
792 | 8019 | Ultra Sound (USG): Both Breast | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
793 | 9309 | Ultra Sound (USG): Breast (Single) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
794 | 8036 | Ultra Sound (USG): Carotid Doppler USG | 10,000 | 7000 | 5000 |
795 | 8018 | Ultra Sound (USG): Chest | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
796 | 9312 | Ultra Sound (USG): Cirrhotic Liver Color Do | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
797 | 8025 | Ultra Sound (USG): Cranial | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
798 | 8012 | Ultra Sound (USG): FNAC (Procedure) | 12,000 | 8400 | 6000 |
799 | 9435 | Ultra Sound (USG): For Twins | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
800 | 9311 | Ultra Sound (USG): Gall Bladder | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
801 | 8020 | Ultra Sound (USG): Groin | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
802 | 8021 | Ultra Sound (USG): Gynaecological USG (Doppler Pelvic) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
803 | 8045 | Ultra Sound (USG): Iliac Vessels Doppler St | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
804 | 8017 | Ultra Sound (USG): KUB | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
805 | 8024 | Ultra Sound (USG): Neck (GENERAL) | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
806 | 9313 | Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical Triplets USG | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
807 | 8027 | Ultra Sound (USG): Obstetrical USG/Pregnancy | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
808 | 8044 | Ultra Sound (USG): PCN (Percutaneous Ne | 15,000 | 10500 | 7500 |
809 | 8015 | Ultra Sound (USG): Pelvis | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
810 | 9271 | Ultra Sound (USG): Penile doppler Ultrasou | 12,500 | 8750 | 6250 |
811 | 8104 | Ultra Sound (USG): Pleural Tap | 10,000 | 7000 | 5000 |
812 | 8031 | Ultra Sound (USG): Renal Doppler | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
813 | 8050 | Ultra Sound (USG): Repeat Scan for Gallbla | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
814 | 9287 | Ultra Sound (USG): Right Lower Extremity Color doppler Arterial/Venous | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
815 | 9279 | Ultra Sound (USG): Saphenous Vein Mappi | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
816 | 8030 | Ultra Sound (USG): Scrotal Doppler USG | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
817 | 9294 | Ultra Sound (USG): Single Arm Arterial Colo | 4,000 | 2800 | 2000 |
818 | 8042 | Ultra Sound (USG): Therapeutic TAP | 10,000 | 7000 | 5000 |
819 | 8022 | Ultra Sound (USG): Thyroid | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
820 | 8037 | Ultra Sound (USG): Trans-rectal (Trus) | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
821 | 8040 | Ultra Sound (USG): TRUCUT USG Guided | 12,000 | 8400 | 6000 |
822 | 8038 | Ultra Sound (USG): TRUS (Transrectal) US | 10,000 | 7000 | 5000 |
823 | 8043 | Ultra Sound (USG): TVS Guided Aspiration | 10,000 | 7000 | 5000 |
824 | 9402 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound ankle joint /f | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
825 | 9284 | Ultra sound (USG): Ultrasound Doppler Abd | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
826 | 9289 | Ultra Sound (USG): ultrasound doppler bilateral lower limb (arterial) | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
827 | 9295 | Ultra Sound (USG): ultrasound doppler bilateral lower limb (arterial/venous) | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
828 | 9290 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound doppler bilateral lower limb (venous) | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
829 | 9272 | Ultra Sound (USG): ultrasound doppler bilateral upper limb (arterial) | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
830 | 8028 | Ultra Sound (USG): ultrasound doppler bilateral upper limb (venous) | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
831 | 9292 | Ultra Sound (USG): ultrasound doppler bilateral upper limb (venous/arterial) | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
832 | 9398 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound Elbow Joint | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
833 | 9389 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound for AVF Map | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
834 | 9393 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound for liver post | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
835 | 9392 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound for preopera | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
836 | 9401 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound knee joint/le | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
837 | 9403 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound Musculoske | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
838 | 9400 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound Neonatal Hi | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
839 | 9391 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound saphenous | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
840 | 9399 | Ultra Sound (USG): Ultrasound wrist joint an | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
841 | 9278 | Ultra Sound (USG):Bilateral Leg Varicose Venes | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
842 | 8029 | Ultra Sound (USG):Scrotal Scan (Non dopp | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
843 | 9394 | Ultra Sound (USG):Ultrasound Adult Hip Joi | 2,500 | 1750 | 1250 |
844 | 9395 | Ultra Sound (USG):Ultrasound Biophysical Profile | 7,000 | 4900 | 3500 |
845 | 9396 | Ultra Sound (USG):Ultrasound Doppler Pregnancy | 6,000 | 4200 | 3000 |
846 | 8008 | Ultra Sound Test (USG): Cystic Aspiration | 8,000 | 5600 | 4000 |
847 | 2720 | Urea (Fluid) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
848 | 1601 | Urea (Serum) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
849 | 1180 | Urethral Swab for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
850 | 5591 | Urethral Swab for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
851 | 1156 | Urethral Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
852 | 5593 | Urethral Swab for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
853 | 5592 | Urethral Swab for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
854 | 1233 | Urethral Swab for Gonorrhoae Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
855 | 5590 | Urethral Swab for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
856 | 3512 | Uric Acid ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 1,000 | 700 | 500 |
857 | 2719 | Uric Acid (Fluid) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
858 | 2704 | Uric Acid (Serum) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
859 | 1612 | Uric Acid (Spot Urine) | 900 | 630 | 450 |
860 | 1393 | Urinary Oxalate (24 Hrs Urine) | 4,500 | 3150 | 2250 |
861 | 5306 | Urine - Glucose | 450 | 315 | 225 |
862 | 1266 | Urine Analysis or Complete Examination C/E | 550 | 385 | 275 |
863 | 6144 | Urine for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
864 | 5575 | Urine for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
865 | 1101 | Urine for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
866 | 6022 | Urine for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
867 | 1136 | Urine for Hemoglobin | 550 | 385 | 275 |
868 | 1149 | Urine Immunofixation | 30,000 | 21000 | 15000 |
869 | 5015 | Urine Protein Electrophoresis | 13,500 | 9450 | 6750 |
870 | 1438 | Urine Sugar 1 Hrs | 450 | 315 | 225 |
871 | 1425 | Urine Sugar 1½ Hrs | 450 | 315 | 225 |
872 | 1439 | Urine Sugar 2 Hrs | 450 | 315 | 225 |
873 | 1440 | Urine Sugar 2½ Hrs | 450 | 315 | 225 |
874 | 1435 | Urine Sugar 3 Hrs | 450 | 315 | 225 |
875 | 4403 | Valproic Acid (Epival) | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
876 | 4408 | Vancomycin | 2,600 | 1820 | 1300 |
877 | 5998 | Varicella Zoster Virus (Chicken Pox) IgG | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
878 | 5999 | Varicella Zoster Virus (Chicken Pox) IgM Antibodies | 5,000 | 3500 | 2500 |
879 | 4111 | Vitamin B12 | 2,760 | 1932 | 1380 |
880 | 3446 | Vitamin Panel(Vitamin B12,Vitamin D) | 5,800 | 4060 | 2900 |
881 | 1182 | Vitreous/Conjunctival Fluid for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
882 | 5562 | Vitreous/Conjunctival Fluid for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
883 | 1157 | Vitreous/Conjunctival Fluid for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
884 | 5563 | Vitreous/Conjunctival Fluid for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
885 | 1237 | Vitreous/Conjunctival Fluid for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
886 | 5561 | Vitreous/Conjunctival Fluid for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
887 | 1907 | VLDL (Very Low Density Lipoprotein) | 800 | 560 | 400 |
888 | 4803 | VMA (Vanillylmandelic Acid) ( 24 Hours Urine ) | 3,400 | 2380 | 1700 |
889 | 5001 | von Willebrand Factor (vWF) Antigen | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
890 | 6660 | Washed RBCs (Blood Bag) | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
891 | 1317 | WBC Morphology | 650 | 455 | 325 |
892 | 1295 | Women Health Profile (CBC, Calcium (Total), Iron, TSH, LH, FSH, HbA1c, Vitamin D) | 11,000 | 7700 | 5500 |
893 | 6145 | Wound Secretion for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
894 | 5580 | Wound Secretion for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
895 | 1235 | Wound Secretion for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
896 | 6114 | Wound Secretion for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
897 | 6078 | Wound Secretion for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
898 | 6029 | Wound Secretion for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
899 | 6146 | Wound Swab for AFB Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 7,500 | 5250 | 3750 |
900 | 6050 | Wound Swab for AFB Smear/ZN Stain | 700 | 490 | 350 |
901 | 1225 | Wound Swab for Bacterial Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
902 | 6115 | Wound Swab for Fungal Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) | 3,500 | 2450 | 1750 |
903 | 6072 | Wound Swab for Fungal Smear (KOH) | 850 | 595 | 425 |
904 | 6023 | Wound Swab for Gram Stain | 650 | 455 | 325 |
905 | 9358 | X-Ray : Reporting | 1,200 | 840 | 600 |
906 | 9327 | X-Ray Sacral Spine - Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
907 | 9326 | X-Ray Sacral Spine - Lat view | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
908 | 9325 | X-Ray Sacrum Spine - AP View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
909 | 8074 | X-Ray: ForeArm Ap/Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
910 | 8065 | X-Ray: Abdomen Erect PA View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
911 | 8066 | X-Ray: Abdomen Supine | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
912 | 9356 | X-Ray: Ankle Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
913 | 8086 | X-Ray: Ankle Ap/Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
914 | 9357 | X-Ray: Ankle Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
915 | 9263 | X-Ray: Big Toe | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
916 | 9371 | X-Ray: Bone Age studies | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
917 | 8084 | X-Ray: Both Knees Ap / Lat View | 3,000 | 2100 | 1500 |
918 | 8059 | X-Ray: Both Knees Ap View (Standing) | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
919 | 8058 | X-Ray: Both Knees Lat View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
920 | 9387 | X-Ray: Both S.I Joint | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
921 | 9375 | X-Ray: Calcaneus -AP & LAT | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
922 | 9369 | X-Ray: Cervical Spine AP View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
923 | 8068 | X-Ray: Cervical Spine AP/ LAT View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
924 | 9370 | X-Ray: Cervical Spine LAT View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
925 | 8102 | X-Ray: Chest Ap | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
926 | 8062 | X-Ray: Chest LAT View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
927 | 8061 | X-Ray: Chest PA View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
928 | 8078 | X-Ray: Clavicle Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
929 | 8071 | X-Ray: Coccyx Spine AP / LAT View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
930 | 8089 | X-Ray: Copy Of X-Ray Film | 800 | 560 | 400 |
931 | 9366 | X-Ray: Dorsal Lumbar Spine Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
932 | 9367 | X-Ray: Dorsal Lumbar Spine Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
933 | 9267 | X-Ray: Dorsal Lumber Spine Ap / Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
934 | 9138 | X-Ray: Ear Both | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
935 | 8075 | X-Ray: Elbow Ap/Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
936 | 9376 | X-Ray: Facial bones | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
937 | 8083 | X-Ray: Femur Ap/Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
938 | 9140 | X-Ray: Finger Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
939 | 9363 | X-Ray: Flexion and Extension View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
940 | 9260 | X-Ray: Foot Ap | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
941 | 8087 | X-Ray: Foot Ap/Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
942 | 9353 | X-Ray: Foot Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
943 | 9352 | X-Ray: Forearm Ap & Lat View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
944 | 9351 | X-Ray: Forearm Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
945 | 8072 | X-Ray: Hand AP / LAT View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
946 | 9139 | X-Ray: Heal Lat | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
947 | 9346 | X-Ray: Heel Ap & Lat View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
948 | 9347 | X-Ray: Heel Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
949 | 8081 | X-Ray: Hip Ap & Lat View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
950 | 9266 | X-Ray: Hip Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
951 | 9364 | X-Ray: Humerus Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
952 | 8076 | X-Ray: Humerus Ap/Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
953 | 9365 | X-Ray: Humerus Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
954 | 9344 | X-Ray: Knee AP View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
955 | 9343 | X-Ray: Knee Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
956 | 9264 | X-Ray: Knee Skyline View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
957 | 8067 | X-Ray: KUB | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
958 | 9265 | X-Ray: Leg Ap | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
959 | 8085 | X-Ray: Leg Ap/Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
960 | 9372 | X-Ray: Limb Salvage Study ( Specific regio | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
961 | 9377 | X-Ray: Lower Extremity of infant | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
962 | 8070 | X-Ray: Lumbar Spine AP / LAT View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
963 | 9359 | X-Ray: Lumbar Spine Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
964 | 9360 | X-Ray: Lumbar Spine Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
965 | 9144 | X-Ray: Mandible | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
966 | 9342 | X-Ray: Mandible Ap & Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
967 | 9341 | X-Ray: Mandible Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
968 | 9340 | X-Ray: Mandible Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
969 | 9337 | X-Ray: Mastoid Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
970 | 9338 | X-Ray: Mastoid Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
971 | 9339 | X-Ray: Mastoid Ap& Lat View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
972 | 8094 | X-Ray: Nasal Bone | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
973 | 9143 | X-Ray: Neck Lat | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
974 | 9336 | X-Ray: Orbit Ap & Lat View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
975 | 9335 | X-Ray: Orbit Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
976 | 9334 | X-Ray: Orbit Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
977 | 9378 | X-Ray: Pelvis & Hip - Child | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
978 | 8079 | X-Ray: Pelvis Ap | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
979 | 9361 | X-Ray: Pelvis Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
980 | 8080 | X-Ray: Pelvis Ap/Lat (Peads) | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
981 | 9362 | X-Ray: Pelvis Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
982 | 9379 | X-Ray: Pituitary fossa or sella turcica | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
983 | 8082 | X-Ray: Pns 45 degree | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
984 | 9380 | X-Ray: Ribs Ap & Lat View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
985 | 9381 | X-Ray: Ribs- Unilateral | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
986 | 9324 | X-Ray: Sacrum Spine - AP & LAT View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
987 | 9382 | X-Ray: Scapula - AP & LAT | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
988 | 9332 | X-Ray: Shoulder - Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
989 | 9333 | X-Ray: Shoulder - Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
990 | 9261 | X-Ray: Shoulder Ap | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
991 | 8077 | X-Ray: Shoulder Ap/Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
992 | 9322 | X-Ray: Shoulder Both AP View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
993 | 9323 | X-Ray: Shoulder Both Lat View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
994 | 9374 | X-Ray: Skeletal Survey | 20,000 | 14000 | 10000 |
995 | 8063 | X-Ray: Skull AP View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
996 | 8064 | X-Ray: Skull AP/ LAT View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
997 | 9262 | X-Ray: Skull Lat | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
998 | 9383 | X-Ray: Soft Tissue Neck | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
999 | 9384 | X-Ray: Sternoclavicular Joint | 2,000 | 1400 | 1000 |
1,000 | 9385 | X-Ray: Sternum - AP & LAT | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
1,001 | 9386 | X-Ray: Temporo mandibular (TMJ) Joint AP | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
1,002 | 9320 | X-Ray: Thoracic Spine - Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,003 | 9321 | X-Ray: Thoracic Spine - Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,004 | 8069 | X-Ray: Thoracic Spine AP/ LAT View | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
1,005 | 9142 | X-Ray: Thumb | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,006 | 9331 | X-Ray: Tibia Fibula - Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,007 | 9141 | X-Ray: Tibia Fibula Ap/Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
1,008 | 9319 | X-Ray: Tibia Fibula Both Ap / Lat View | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
1,009 | 9318 | X-Ray: Tibia Fibula Both Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,010 | 8088 | X-Ray: Toe | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,011 | 9329 | X-Ray: Wrist - Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,012 | 9328 | X-Ray: Wrist -Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,013 | 8073 | X-Ray: Wrist Ap/Lat | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
1,014 | 9317 | X-Ray: Wrists Both Ap / Lat View | 3,600 | 2520 | 1800 |
1,015 | 9354 | X-Ray:Elbow Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,016 | 9355 | X-Ray:Elbow Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,017 | 9350 | X-Ray:Forearm Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,018 | 9348 | X-Ray:Hand Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,019 | 9349 | X-Ray:Hand Lat View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,020 | 9345 | X-Ray:Hip Lat view | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
1,021 | 9368 | X-Ray:Single knee ap and lat view | 1,800 | 1260 | 900 |
1,022 | 9330 | X-Ray:Tibia Fibula -Ap View | 1,500 | 1050 | 750 |
Our Pathology Test Panels at Mughal Labs are meticulously designed to provide comprehensive diagnostic insights for a wide range of medical conditions. By combining multiple tests into a single panel, we ensure a thorough analysis, enabling accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning. Whether you’re monitoring chronic conditions, screening for potential health issues, or seeking specific disease diagnostics, our test panels are tailored to meet your unique healthcare needs. Understanding of common medical testing and their importance is very much essential.
Each panel is conducted using state-of-the-art technology and is interpreted by our team of experienced pathologists, ensuring the highest standards of accuracy and reliability. From basic blood tests to advanced molecular diagnostics, our pathology test panels cover a broad spectrum of medical conditions, offering both patients and healthcare providers the vital information needed for informed decision-making.
At Mughal Labs, we are committed to delivering precise and timely results, helping you stay proactive in managing your health. Trust us for all your pathology testing needs. At Mughal Labs, you can expect precise and reliable diagnostics at Affordable Rates for Lab Test Services, ensuring that top-tier healthcare is within reach. Our goal is to make essential medical testing accessible to everyone by maintaining Affordable Rates for Lab Test Services across a wide range of diagnostics.